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  • Student Theses
  • Simulation Modeling of Scenarios for the Development of the City's Transportation System (Using Moscow as an Example)

Simulation Modeling of Scenarios for the Development of the City's Transportation System (Using Moscow as an Example)

Student: Gabdullina Elina

Supervisor: Vasily Kornilov

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics: Digital Enterprise and Information Systems Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The use of modern digital tools is essential to address the strategic objectives of developing the transportation infrastructure in the city of Moscow. As part of this final project, an analysis was conducted on the organization's efforts in the area of Moscow transport development, identifying gaps in analytical solutions for simulating urban and transportation systems at a macro level and implementing strategic initiatives. This work focuses on addressing the challenge of creating a simulation model to analyze scenarios for the evolution of the Moscow transportation system until 2030. Chapter one discusses contemporary digital solutions in urban and transportation system management, along with an examination of tools utilized by the selected organization within the Moscow transportation complex. Chapter two analyzes the application and potential of simulation techniques for studying urban and transportation networks.In Chapter 3, a concept was developed and a simulation model of the Moscow transport system's development was created using the AnyLogic software. The developed model allows for solving a variety of problems, including analyzing the long-term trajectory of the Moscow transportation system development until 2030, assessing traffic congestion levels, and implementing scenarios for transport system development that take into account their impact on socioeconomic and environmental factors in the city.

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