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Drivers and Barriers of the Transition from a Product-Centric to a Customer-Centric Strategy

Student: Bryukhov Denis

Supervisor: Elena Panteleeva

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Strategic Management and Consulting (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This master's thesis explores the drivers and barriers of the transition from a product-centric to a customer-centric strategy using the example of a large Russian bank. The relevance of the research is due to changes in the competitive environment and the need for companies to adapt to new market conditions, where customer satisfaction plays a key role. The purpose of the study is to form recommendations on overcoming barriers to the introduction of customer-centricity, which can be extrapolated to other companies in the industry. To achieve this goal, an analysis of literature sources was carried out to determine various aspects of client-centricity, technological solutions and their impact on client-centric transformation were studied, approaches to change management in organizations were considered, drivers and barriers for the case under consideration were identified, recommendations for overcoming the identified barriers were formed. The research methodology included the analysis of literary sources, conducting in-depth interviews with experts, as well as case study analysis based on the proposed model of elements of client-centricity. The main findings of the study show that a successful transition to a customer-centered strategy requires comprehensive changes at all levels of the organization, including strategy, processes, culture and technology. Modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data play a key role in this process, which allow us to collect and analyze customer data, predict their needs and provide personalized offers.

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