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Developing a Sustainable Business Model of the Mountain Hotel

Student: Frolova Yuliya

Supervisor: Ekaterina Ivanova

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Sustainable Business Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Modern challenges related to climate change and sustainable development require new approaches to entrepreneurship and business. Classical models do not include consideration of social and environmental factors. At the same time, a new way of thinking of the traveler is being formed. The preferences of a modern tourist are less correlated with the brand's fame and its representation on the market, respectively, they are becoming less and less dependent on players working in the traditional economic model. In order to develop a sustainable business model of a hotel in the mountainous region, an analysis of the sustainable tourism market, trends among modern travelers and modern practices was carried out. Also, as part of the study, a series of expert interviews were conducted, the results of which made it possible to identify opportunities and barriers. The solution to the identified problems was the formation of a sustainable business model for the hotel, focused on value propositions for consumers. This work is aimed at creating a new sustainable approach to the creation of a hotel that challenges traditional ownership and management structures.

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