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Traditional Motifs in Modern Japanese Fashion

Student: Vtorova Natalya

Supervisor: Alexander Dolin

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Costume is, first of all, a whole system consisting of items of clothing, footwear and jewellery, which together embody the customs and culture of a particular country. It is interesting that nowadays many creators of author's items of clothing use traditional motifs in their works, which is reflected in the cut and shape of their models, as well as materials and unique accents. This also applies to Japanese designers. The focus of this paper is the fashion of Japan and its national costume. The paper analyses how elements of Japanese culture, history and art are embodied in contemporary collections of clothing and accessories. The main aim of the study is to identify the ways in which traditional Japanese motifs are integrated into contemporary fashion design, and to understand the significance and impact of this phenomenon on the fashion industry. The work examines the historical roots of traditional Japanese motifs, their symbolic meaning and evolution in the context of contemporary fashion. It also analyses the collections of famous Japanese designers and brands that actively use traditional motifs in their works. The study will contribute to the fields of fashion, cultural studies and art, and oriental studies. Keywords: Japanese designers, a kimono, contemporary fashion, culture of Japan, the Japanese traditional suit, traditional motifs.

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