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  • Specifics of Spain-Venezuelan Relations in the Context of Spanish Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean (2018-2023)

Specifics of Spain-Venezuelan Relations in the Context of Spanish Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean (2018-2023)

Student: Alvarez pelaez Yudit

Supervisor: Ekaterina Kosevich

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: International Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Throughout the 21st century, Spain's foreign policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has undergone significant evolution, shaped by historical ties and strategic interests, particularly in response to the region's political and economic fluctuations. The period from 2018 to 2023 stands out as a critical phase in which Spain's relations with Venezuela have suffered different challenges and declines influenced by Venezuela's deepening crisis. This era saw Spain grappling with the challenges of maintaining diplomatic engagement while addressing both domestic and EU expectations, amidst Venezuela's escalating humanitarian and political turmoil. The bilateral relations between Spain and Venezuela, within the broader context of Spain's strategy towards Latin America and the Caribbean, offer an attractive case study of how national foreign policies adapt to complex international scenarios. This research delves into the intricacies of these relations, exploring how shifts in Spain's government have influenced its approach to diplomatic engagements and foreign strategy in a region marked by its instability. By examining Spain's diplomatic maneuvers, economic interactions, and the broader implications of its policy adjustments, this study aims to uncover the underlying factors that have shaped Spanish foreign policy across the 21st century, highlighting the period of 2018-2023 as a time of pivotal change and strategic reassessment. The primary purpose of this investigation is to analyze how these policy shifts reflect and impact Spain's overall foreign policy strategy towards Latin America and the Caribbean, with a special emphasis on detailing the specific dynamics and challenges in its relations with Venezuela during moments of heightened diplomatic tension and unstable interactions.

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