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Specifics of the U.S. Policy on the Use of Military Force Abroad under the Biden Administration (2021-2024)

Student: Liana Bersanova

Supervisor: Bartenev Vladimir

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: International Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The problem of the use of military force abroad is significant both for the United States and for international relations in general, especially at a time when the world order is changing and large and medium-sized states are trying to determine their place in it. Under the administration of President Joseph Biden, the United States continues to maintain its position of global leadership and is involved in international conflicts that pose a threat to the global security system, such as the Ukraine conflict, the Taiwan crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli war, and the conflict in Yemen. However, it is important to keep in mind that policy-making on the use or non-use of military force abroad is influenced by a complex of both external and internal factors represented by legal constraints, deliberations within the U.S. government, party affiliation, and public opinion. The purpose of this study is to determine the external and internal factors influencing the formation of the Biden administration's policy on the use of military force abroad, and the peculiarities of this administration in comparison to previous U.S. presidents. The study will be based on primary data, namely U.S. strategic planning documents, official sources of the legislative and executive branches of government, transcripts of U.S. congressional hearings, public opinion polls, and statistical data. The collected data will be analyzed using both quantitative methods, represented by content analysis of documents, and qualitative methods and case studies. Keywords: the United States, U.S. foreign policy, military force, Biden administration.

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