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  • Student Theses
  • Transformation of the Company's Logistics Strategy Based on the Reconstruction of Supply Chains and the "Turn to the East"

Transformation of the Company's Logistics Strategy Based on the Reconstruction of Supply Chains and the "Turn to the East"

Student: Altynay Abdykarim

Supervisor: Ludmila Andreyevna Borisova

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Strategic Management of Logistics and Supply Chains in the Digital Economy (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Logistics business processes play an important role in the formation and implementation of the company's strategy, influencing its following aspects: 1. Supply chain and value creation 2. Customer service and sales support 3. Market competitiveness 4. Innovation and adaptability 5. Global expansion 6. Operational efficiency 7. Sustainable Development Goals In general, logistics business processes are crucial to a company's strategy because they support key operations, create value for customers, improve competitiveness, stimulate innovation and contribute to achieving business goals. The object of the study is a transport and logistics company, a participant in cargo transportation of FESCO Integrated Transport LLC (hereinafter "FIT"). The subject of the study is the process of planning the logistics activities of container transportation in FIT LLC. The aim of the work is to develop tools to improve the efficiency of logistics business processes of container transportation by rail. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of measures to improve the work of the transport company and increase the efficiency of logistics in the field of container transportation

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