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  • Student Theses
  • Negative Assessment of the Regulatory Impact of a Normative Act Draft as a Result of Discommunication in the Interaction Between Government Bodies on the Example of the Ministry of Transport of Russia Draft Order about Amendments to the Rules for the Trans

Negative Assessment of the Regulatory Impact of a Normative Act Draft as a Result of Discommunication in the Interaction Between Government Bodies on the Example of the Ministry of Transport of Russia Draft Order about Amendments to the Rules for the Trans

Student: Galimshina Elina

Supervisor: Stanislav Aleksandrovich Naumov

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Communications in the Public Sector and NGOs (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the system of government, the problem of discommunication between representatives of different branches of government, different levels of government, as well as different ranks, is one of the most acute, creating insurmountable barriers in the work of civil servants. Accordingly, these barriers become the cause of other, larger-scale problems, including: inefficiency and (or) erroneous decisions, expansion of bureaucracy, complication of the public administration system/ One of the key tools used to manage lawmaking in the Russian Federation is the process of assessing the regulatory impact of draft normative legal acts, one of the goals of which is to facilitate the creation and subsequent mediation of a fruitful dialogue between the state and society, namely entrepreneurs. However, one should not forget that the age-old problem of the lack of effective dialogue between business and the state does not play the largest, though no less important, role in the development of the institution of regulatory policy. The discommunication between public authorities in the process of conducting a regulatory impact assessment has a direct impact on its results, often reflected in the returns of draft acts or negative conclusions on conducting a regulatory impact assessment. The The final qualification work is aimed at studying the impact of discommunication between public authorities on the formation of a negative conclusion on the assessment of regulatory impact, as well as the development of practical recommendations for improving communication between public authorities to increase the effectiveness of the process of developing and adopting regulatory legal acts. work is aimed at studying the impact of discommunication between public authorities on the formation of a negative conclusion on the assessment of regulatory impact, as well as the development of practical recommendations for improving communication between public authorities to increase the effectiveness of the process of developing and adopting regulatory legal acts.

Full text (added May 16, 2024)

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