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  • Problems of Diversification of Commodity-Transport Flows in Trade and Economic Relations Between China and the EU (2012-2022)

Problems of Diversification of Commodity-Transport Flows in Trade and Economic Relations Between China and the EU (2012-2022)

Student: Viliald Nadezhda

Supervisor: Andrey Vinogradov

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

There are many examples in the world history of ancient trade routes, which became an important milestone in the development of trade and economic relations between different civilizations. The Amber Road, the Volga Road, the Way “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, the Road of Spices and, finally, the Great Silk Road - all these routes made a significant contribution to the formation of the existing trade model. Today, any discussion of the development of trade and economic contacts boils down to commercial relations between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the European Union (EU). Trade and economic interaction between the two major trade actors has had a significant impact on the entire modern world community, including the development of trade flows and transportation systems. The paper aimed to determine the significance of the problematic aspects of diversification of trade and transportation flows for the PRC-EU economic relations in the period from 2012 to 2022 and the likely options for their changes in the near future. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were necessary: - determine the overall structure of merchandise transport flows (PRC-EU) for 2012-2022. - identify the degree of importance of types of transport systems, maritime, rail, road and air transport, in PRC-EU trade and economic relations; - define the main problems of functioning of the existing structure of PRC-EU commodity transportation flows; - identify the implemented and proposed solutions to the existing problems of the functioning of commodity transportation flows; - determine global transformations affecting the diversification of PRC-EU commodity transport flows; - analyze the possible consequences of these influences. The following methods were used within the framework of the research: - method of statistical analysis to compile the structure of Chinese exports, processing statistical data; - method of comparative analysis to compare economic indicators, specifics of functioning of PRC-EU transportation systems by type of transport and specifics of development of PRC regions; - method of descriptive analysis to examine the dynamics of China's trade, economic and political relations with the European Union, ASEAN, the USA, Russia and Central Asian countries; - systematization method to determine the impact of economic and military-political transformations on changes in PRC-EU trade and transport flows; - a prospective method of analysis to identify the likely consequences of the above-mentioned influences. The statistical data, collected and systematized during the study, made it possible to fully meet the objectives of determining the structure and volumes of Chinese exports to the EU and in the reverse direction, from the EU to the PRC, against the background of China's total world exports. In addition, the aspects of maritime, rail, road and air transportation between the PRC and the EU were investigated and the most significant problems of functioning of the existing infrastructure of commodity transport flows between the PRC and the EU countries were identified. At the same time, the paper investigates the implemented and envisioned solutions to the existing problems. This paper has explored aspects of global transformation and hypothesised further developments in the PRC-EU relationship, and China's role in the Asia-Pacific region, which may affect the functioning of all types of transport systems in use. Thus, the current problems of diversification of commodity transportation flows in trade and economic relations between the PRC and the EU can be successfully resolved only if there is stability in the economic and military-political aspects of the Eurasian continent. Keywords: PRC-EU, transport systems, trade volume, diversification of trade and economic relations, problems of commodity transport flows, implemented solutions to problems.

Full text (added May 16, 2024)

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