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Digital Product Development in GiftTech: Prototyping and Testing Solutions, Custom MVP Scenarios

Student: Aleksandr Vagin

Supervisor: Mikhail M. Komarov

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Digital Product Management (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The research is aimed at creating conceptual and detailed prototypes in the field of GiftTech, followed by testing to form an MVP that meets the needs of future users. The work uses general methods (analysis, synthesis, induction) and specific methods (brainstorming, prototyping, testing), as well as ICE and RICE methods to evaluate and select ideas. The purpose of this study is to create conceptual and detailed prototypes in the field of GiftTech, as well as testing them to form an MVP capable of meeting the needs of future users. As part of the work, a study of the needs of users was conducted, focusing on their motivation, preferences and psychological characteristics that determine the choice of gifts and methods of congratulations. The methods of idea generation, prototyping and testing were used to select the most appropriate ideas for creating a digital product. The analysis of prototypes and user scenarios made it possible to develop successful concepts and ensure their relevance to future users. The results of the study were reviewed in detail, analyzed and successfully verified, demonstrating the achievement of the set goals.

Full text (added May 16, 2024)

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