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Development of Methodological Tools and Models for Fundamental Analysis of shares of Russian Companies

Student: Irina Bubnova

Supervisor: O.I. Kashina

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Finance (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The work "Development of Methodological Tools and Models for Fundamental Analysis of shares of Russian Companies" is dedicated to creating a new approach for evaluating the stocks of Russian companies. The study includes a theoretical review of fundamental analysis methods and a practical investigation into the application of fundamental analysis models and approaches to the stock prices of 25 Russian companies: "Acron", "Alrosa", "Aeroflot", "Gazprom", "Norilsk Nickel", "Far-Eastern Shipping Company", "Inter RAO UES", "Kazanorgsintez", "KuibyshevAzot", "Lukoil", "Mosenergo", "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", "NKHP", "NMPT", "NLMK", "Novatek", "Polyus", "Rosneft", "RusHydro", "Rosseti", "Severstal", "Tatneft", "PhosAgro", "Unipro", "UTair". The study highlights the advantages and disadvantages of fundamental analysis approaches proposed by foreign authors. The relevance of the research lies in developing an original method for evaluating the formation of stock prices of Russian companies based on existing scientific research and the shortcomings of foreign fundamental analysis approaches.

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