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Creating Brand Experience on the Real Estate Market (Using the Example of Premium Housing Complexes)

Student: Bartsaeva Evgeniya

Supervisor: Alexander V. Lebedev

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing: Digital Technology and Marketing Communications (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Currently, the development of the economy and other areas of public life is characterized by rapid and unpredictable changes. More than half of the surveyed developers (52.6%) consider technological transformation the most important among the main trends. And 18.4% of experts note increased competition in the industry. But external macroeconomic factors and the ruble exchange rate lead to a fall in effective demand against the backdrop of growing supply. The tightening of the Central Bank (Central Bank) rules for issuing mortgages and the increase in rates also significantly aggravate the process of buying a home. Borrowers who already have a lot of debt or want to take out a mortgage with a small investment now have a much more difficult time. Most likely, they will be denied a loan or offered a higher interest rate. In the course of these trends, organizations are faced with fundamentally new challenges that require them to be flexible, creative and develop relevant solutions in the field of creating a positive experience of consumer interaction with the residential complex brand. And marketing experts have already come to understand that how consumers perceive brands is critical to developing promotional strategies. While property developers have made significant strides in developing development projects in the past few years, the brand experience is still standard in most cases. Companies do not pay attention to the need to include the features of the product in communication with the client - conservatism reigns and reluctance to look for innovative methods of creating a positive experience of consumer interaction with the brand, which leads to the same type of offers on the market and the methods and style of communications, an abundance of advertising with the same or very similar messages . At the same time, the need for differentiation in a highly competitive real estate market requires research into the possibilities of new techniques and technologies that influence the formation of the experience of interacting with a brand in order to determine the most attractive communication formats for consumers and increase the efficiency of promoting premium residential complexes. Thus, the key research question is: what techniques and technologies for creating brand experience can be effectively used in the premium urban real estate market? Object of study: Experience of interaction with a brand in the real estate market Subject of research: Techniques and technologies that influence the formation of a positive experience of interaction with a brand in the premium urban real estate market (using the example of new residential complexes) Purpose of the work: To study the specifics and features of the formation of experience of interaction with the brand, to identify techniques and technologies suitable for promoting premium residential complexes at different stages of CJM. Scientific novelty lies in defining an interdisciplinary approach to the use of digital and other technologies in shaping the experience of interacting with a brand and creating a stronger consumer connection with it. This is the basis for the practical significance of the work, which consists in the possibility of using the results obtained to develop effective marketing strategies for creating a positive experience of consumer interaction with brands in the real estate market, in particular premium residential complexes. The findings and recommendations can be used by companies to increase customer loyalty and increase sales in the face of new challenges that brands have to face today.

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