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Brand Logo Characteristics and Financial Performance

Student: Daria Borodkina

Supervisor: Victor Krakovich

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Master of International Business (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The paper examines the relationship between the indicators of a company's financial performance and objective (i.e. measured equally by any independent observers) characteristics of its logo. This relationship is investigated on the basis of objective statistical data, which in the future should form a logical and consistent judgement for marketers and identity managers. The analysis is based on the use of multiple regression analysis tool to identify potential relationships and reveal information about the complex relationships present in the system under consideration. In the course of the research 48 considered different combinations of regressors were built. According to the results of the analyses, the regression models constructed show markedly weak explanatory power, which is confirmed by the statistical inferences made. A series of tests shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between the indicators of the company's financial performance and recognizable attributes of the logo. I made conclusions about the nature of the existing relationship between the characteristics of the brand logo and the financial performance of the brand and the reasons for the lack of significant statistical correlation in regression models. Also made suggestions about promising directions of the topic research: refinement of the obtained models by either expanding the list of regressors by factors explaining cardinal differences in the characteristics of the activities of individual companies, or refining the samples by screening companies from different spheres and with different scales of activity. KEY WORDS: Logo, Financial performance, Capitalization, Brand, Brand identity, Perceived value, Correlation analysis.

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