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Critical Realism and Social Ontology: Reception and Critics

Student: Vishniakov Daniil

Supervisor: Alexander F. Filippov

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Philosophical Anthropology (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

.This work is an attempt to present the key provisions of critical realism and consider their functioning in a socio-ontological aspect. It is important to note that despite the presence of a large number of works devoted to socio-ontological issues, its consideration in the optics of critical realism is almost not represented. The object of the research is the socio-ontological problems in the modern philosophy of social sciences. The subject is the reception of the conceptual apparatus of critical realism in various projects of social ontology. The purpose of this work is to determine how the achievements of critical realists have been used by various theorists of social ontology. In particular, we will talk about the reception of the three-level Harre-Baskar model in various areas of socio-ontological research (the Cambridge group of T. Lawson, the London group of M. Archer, the group of J. Searle from the University of Berkeley). The research methodology is based on the historical and philosophical reconstruction of the main ideas of the realist philosophy of social sciences. In particular, a brief conceptual analysis of such concepts as "realism", "transcendental" and "ontology" is carried out. The tools of comparative analysis were also used to compare the theoretical apparatus of various socio-ontological projects. Hermeneutical and interpretive work with both primary sources and analytical literature is taken as a basis. The main emphasis is on the analytical method of analyzing the key theses of critical realism and social ontology.

Full text (added May 17, 2024)

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