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Web Interface For Remote Control Hub

Student: Georgiy Vavilov

Supervisor: Denis Korolev

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

During video production, video engineers must work with a wide variety of cameras and lighting equipment located on set. In order to make this process more efficient, there is a wide range of programmable devices, such as remotes and keyboards. The combination of different device protocols creates the problem of unified device management. This document discusses the creation of a client interface for an extendable, programmable system designed to resolve this issue, which can support a large number of interconnected devices and protocols. All stages of software development are described, including the initial state of the system, problems encountered during operation without a user interface, the task set for development, user scenarios, justification for the choice of implementation tools and application architecture. The results obtained are also described, as well as examples of using the developed product.

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