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  • Student Theses
  • Termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the appointment of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine

Termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the appointment of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine

Student: Volkova Svetlana

Supervisor: Elena Egorova

Faculty: Faculty of Law

Educational Programme: Lawyer in Public Justice (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the imposition of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine was introduced into Russian legislation in 2016 as a result of a legislative initiative of the Supreme Court. This institute is designed to ensure the implementation of humanization and liberalization of criminal legislation, reduce the procedural costs of criminal repression and reduce the number of citizens who fall under the negative consequences of a criminal record. The relevance of the institution of termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the appointment of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine in the first years after the introduction of relevant changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation and its sharp decline attracts special attention to this institution and indicates the need to study it. The purpose of the work is to identify trends in the application of the institute and its problematic aspects, as well as to identify possible ways to fill existing gaps in its regulation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 1) To study the theoretical foundations of the institution of termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the appointment of a criminal law measure in the form of a court fine and identify gaps in its legal regulation; 2) To determine the social validity of the introduction of this institution; 3) To identify the features and problems of the application of this institution in pre-trial proceedings; 4) To determine the procedure and problems of applying the institution of termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with the imposition of a criminal law measure in the form of a judicial fine during judicial proceedings. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliographic list.

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