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Geo-social App “CityDiscover” for Finding the City Interesting Places: Microservice of Recommendations.

Student: Alieva Renata

Supervisor: Dmitry Alexandrov

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In today's digital world, mobile devices are an integral part of daily life, providing access to a plethora of applications and services. Geo-social apps, in particular, are a rapidly growing area, helping users explore urban environments and discover interesting locations. However, despite their increasing popularity, users often struggle to choose the right place to visit, due to the vast number of options available and lack of personalized suggestions. This research proposes a solution to this challenge by developing a recommendation microservice for the geo-social app "CityDiscover." The primary goal of the microservice is to offer users individualized recommendations of places based on their preferences, past visits, and ratings. By utilizing advanced machine learning techniques, the microservice can analyze vast amounts of data and produce accurate, tailored recommendations for each user. The work contains 52 pages, 3 chapters, 15 illustrations, 26 sources and 1 appendix. Keywords: geosocial application; recommendation microservice; machine learning; personalization.

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