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The Methods of an Integrated Approach to Learning Foreign Languages in the Digital Economy

Student: Elizaveta Bragina

Supervisor: Diana Burimskaya

Faculty: School of Foreign Languages

Educational Programme: Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

This work is devoted to the study of the integrative concept of teaching a foreign language for special purposes in the digital economy. The literature review examines the universal and professional functions of a specialist in the digital economy, content-language integrated learning as an integrated approach to teaching English for special purposes, as well as issues of modernization of higher education in the digital economy. The second chapter of the study examines the methods and results of developing a course for implementing an integrated approach in the digital economy. The process of developing an elective course program that takes into account the integrative nature of the case study method is described. Typical problems and their solutions in the course development process, the development of course materials, as well as ICT tools used in the developed course: synchronous and asynchronous components are considered. Special attention is paid to the development of the program and the adaptation of the case study lesson to the online format. The work is aimed at substantiating a methodological approach and formulating an integrative concept for effective professional development of students in the digital economy, contributing to the development of their competencies and universal skills necessary for successful activity in the modern world.

Full text (added May 17, 2024)

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