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iOS Mobile Application for Online Group Listening to Audio Content

Student: Doronin Ivan

Supervisor: Elena Y. Pesotskaya

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Since 2020, the format of remote work or study has significantly gained popularity. The introduction of the possibility to carry out personal professional and educational activities online has allowed many companies and educational institutions to reduce economic costs and increase work efficiency. However, most people may have encountered emotional issues such as decreased efficiency and motivation, isolation in live communication, and a sense of detachment. Nowadays, modern technologies allow the creation of mobile applications, which most people use in their daily lives, that solve a huge number of routine problems. Keywords: UIKit, WebSocket, iOS development. The paper contains: 65 pages, 4 chapters, 50 illustrations, 12 sources.

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