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  • Student Theses
  • "Ethnic Estate of Indigenous Minorities" in Modern Russia (on the Example of the Nanai district of the Khabarovsk Territory)

"Ethnic Estate of Indigenous Minorities" in Modern Russia (on the Example of the Nanai district of the Khabarovsk Territory)

Student: Alisiia Astafeva

Supervisor: Artemy Pozanenko

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Public Administration (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

Considering modern Russian society under the widespread models of Western sociology, the authors do not reflect the real situation of state regulation of the activities of indigenous minorities in the matter of preserving their original culture and traditional activities. However, considering Russia in the concept of a resource state, we can say that at all historical stages its society was predominantly class-based, and the indigenous indigenous peoples are ethnic classes that perform duties to the Russian state and for this receive certain privileges from it. This work was carried out with the aim of assessing the state national policy of the Russian Federation in the field of relations with indigenous minorities with regard to the formation of ethnic classes. The objectives of the work include an analysis of approaches to the study of the social structure of Russian society, a study of the modern legal landscape in the issue of regulating the activities of indigenous peoples, including the privileges and responsibilities of representatives of these peoples, as well as an analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of the ethnic class of indigenous peoples and the empirical data obtained during the study. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the indigenous minorities, in particular the Nanais, are in fact an ethnic class that was formed as compensation for damage caused by the state in Tsarist Russia until the 20s of the 19th century and during the period of collectivization in the USSR. In modern Russia, the state retains the loyalty of a given social group for the previous obligation to integrate into socialist society and the partial deprivation of national identity. The practical significance of the work lies in drawing attention not only to the existing shortcomings of interaction between government authorities and indigenous indigenous peoples, but also to the potential opportunities for improving the mechanisms of national policy in Russia, fully taking into account the interests of these peoples.

Full text (added May 17, 2024)

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