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Selection of Control Points in Projects Using Information Theory Methods

Student: Kseniya Balitskaya

Supervisor: Arkadiy Maron

Faculty: HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM)

Educational Programme: Applied Mathematics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The relevance of the problem under study is due to the fact that errors may be made during the execution of the project, which will change the timing and cost of the project to unacceptable values. The purpose of the FQW is to select such a set of control points, which significantly reduces the time of project implementation, taking into account possible errors in the performance of work. The leading method of solving this problem is a method based on the principle of maximizing information provided by control points. This method is heuristic. Its effectiveness has been tested in the case when the optimality criterion is the minimum of the maximum number of projects works, the errors of which are indistinguishable with a selected set of control points. However, for many real projects, a more significant criterion is the minimum average delay in project execution due to indistinguishable errors in the work. The task arises of verifying the information approach with such an optimality criterion. To solve it, the Monte-Carlo method was applied and a program for conducting such an analysis was developed. The materials of the FQW are of practical value for project managers.

Full text (added May 18, 2024)

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