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A Psychoanalytic Perspective on the Intergenerational Transmission of Money Perceptions

Student: Dubonosova Svetlana

Supervisor: Ekaterina Shapovalova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The master's thesis is dedicated to the study of the perception and intergenerational transmission of financial attitudes from a psychoanalytic perspective. In the theoretical part, based on the works of Z. Freud, O. Fenichel, K. Horney, V. Mazin, S. Ferenczi, and others, existing approaches to the perception of money, its symbolic function from a psychoanalytic point of view, and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of attitudes are analyzed: 1) money is considered not only as a means of exchange but also as a symbol of emotional and social values such as security, freedom, love, and power; 2) the connection between the anal stage of child development and the formation of attitudes towards money is examined — attitudes towards money begin in early childhood when a child learns to control their physiological processes, which is associated with the first manifestations of independence and control over their own body; 3) in intergenerational experience, not only attitudes but also defense mechanisms are transmitted, which also affects the individual’s financial perception of reality. The empirical part includes socioanalytic interviews with six respondents and an analysis of their drawings, illustrating their perception of money at different stages of life. The study emphasizes the importance of a psychoanalytic approach to the study of intergenerational transmission of money perception, allowing for not only the analysis of economic behavior but also a deeper investigation into the personal characteristics and family dynamics that influence attitudes towards money.

Full text (added May 18, 2024)

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