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  • Student Theses
  • The Practeces of Listening in the Daily Perspective of Visually Impared People and the Problem of Cultural Inclusion

The Practeces of Listening in the Daily Perspective of Visually Impared People and the Problem of Cultural Inclusion

Student: Vasina Valeriya

Supervisor: Anna G. Ganzha

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Cultural Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Abstract The author of this study attempts to study the practice of auditory perception characteristic of people with visual impairments, using as a methodological basis the sound studies, concepts of phenomenology of listening and disability studies. In addition, the author establishes and analyzes the correlation between these practices and the phenomenon of cultural inclusion, as well as art-inclusive practices characteristic of the Russian-speaking decade. The author also uses the method of comparative analysis, since in this work the perceptual frames of the blind and visually impaired become progressive with the perceptual frames of sighted people. The method and analysis consider the concept of inclusion, i.e. the possibility of implementing the practice of including people with disabilities into (community) communities, and a problem field arises, which arises as a question for further and possible study, and draws conclusions about inferiority, while taking into account innovations for both the scientific-theoretical and practical aspects the relationship between the two inclusions of practices. The study of relevance is determined by practical and educational contexts, as well as by identifying new opportunities for interaction between people with visual impairments and relatively healthy (“seeing”) (communities), as well as different from the existing frames of perception for the current side of communicative acts. The author explores sound, incl. voice in various perceptual contexts: media, music and soundscape (soundscape) and their participation in the creation of culturally determined frames of perception using both scientific literature (theoretical sources from the 1960s to the present) and practical cases: the author's notes and literary manifestations, as well as semi-structured interviews and a practical experiment involving people with visual impairments. The problem of this study is the (impossibility) to establish a direct relationship between the field of sound perception for the visually impaired and the field of practices of art-inclusive programs, as well as the identification and analysis of patterns (correlations) between the audio-perceptual practices of the visually impaired and the problem of cultural inclusion. The author concludes that audio-perceptual practices are basic, and for people with visual impairments - fundamental, they contribute to the creation of the so-called. "pictures" and individual frames of perception. However, in the Russian-speaking environment, perceptual differentiations are necessary, incl. conditioned by the perception of stigmas, conditionally blind people master the integrative (non-independent) approach of inclusion, translated and implemented by a conditionally healthy (seeing) society, which is a key corrective aspect and is constantly the problem of implementing inclusive programs and practices, since the directly inclusive approach involves the articulation of the so-called “special needs” by people with disabilities themselves, in particular with health problems. According to the author’s conclusions, a possible solution in this case could be the active participation of the latter in the (re)creation of new theoretical and practically perceptual backgrounds. Keywords: practices, auditory perception, sound studies, disability, cultural inclusion, people with visual impairments.

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