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Formation of a Model of Interaction Between the Governor's Press Service and Municipal Press Services

Student: Ekaterina Boiarshinova

Supervisor: Elena L. Zueva

Faculty: School of Graduate Studies (Perm)

Educational Programme: Public Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the modern world, the role of the press service in government bodies is key to the organization of effective communication between the government and society. The paper considers the process of forming a model of interaction between the press service of the Governor of the Perm Territory and municipal press services. The study highlights the importance of such interaction for building a unified and coordinated information policy, which contributes to increasing transparency in the activities of government agencies and strengthening the trust of citizens. This study is devoted to the analysis of the basic principles and methods of work of press services, both in Russia and abroad. The effectiveness of interaction between regional and municipal press services is being evaluated. The problematic aspects arising from their interaction are highlighted: the peculiarity of the structural organization of municipal press services, the lack of competence of specialists, as well as the inefficiency of coordination of communication processes. Special attention is paid to the development of a comprehensive model of strategic approaches and tactics that can be used to optimize communication processes and achieve more effective interaction of press services at various levels of government. A number of specific recommendations and tools are proposed for the implementation of a model that standardizes and regulates the processes of communication interaction. The results of the work carried out can be used to improve the effectiveness of management in the field of communication at all levels of government, as well as broadcast as a methodological guide to other regions of the Russian Federation.

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