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  • Student Theses
  • Problematic Issues of Ensuring Import Substitution Within the Contract System on the Example of Certain Types of Industrial Goods

Problematic Issues of Ensuring Import Substitution Within the Contract System on the Example of Certain Types of Industrial Goods

Student: Avdeev Vladislav

Supervisor: Natalia Maslova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Public Administration (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the context of globalization and international competition, one of the key tasks of Russia's economic policy is import substitution. This concept refers to the process of replacing imported goods, works, and services with domestic counterparts, which contributes to strengthening national security, developing national production, and improving the quality of life for the population. According to the Federal Customs Service, in 2022, the share of imports in the commodity resources of retail trade in Russia was about 35%, indicating a significant dependence of the country on imported products. Therefore, the relevance of this study is determined by the need for the effective implementation of import substitution policies, which face numerous challenges, including the lack of transparency and efficiency in the procurement contract system The aim of this course work is to investigate the issues of ensuring import substitution within the framework of the contract system in Russia using the example of the "Moskvich 3". To achieve this goal, the following tasks were addressed: the concepts of import substitution and the contract system were defined and characterized; the history and current trends of import substitution in Russia and the world were examined, as well as the specific features of the legal regulation of the contract system in Russia; the practice of import substitution was analyzed using the example of the "Moskvich 3" car, with comparisons made to its foreign counterparts.

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