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Analysis of the Corporate Governance Factor Influence on the Company’s Financial Sustainability

Student: Ksenia Abramova

Supervisor: Alexey S. Makarov

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In a market economy and high turbulence, business is constantly faced with various problems and crises. To prevent the bankruptcy of a business, constant monitoring and analysis of the company's performance is necessary in order to react in time to an external or internal trigger. One of the characteristics that allows you to determine the economic condition of an organization is financial viability – this is a set of indicators that characterize the financial and economic activities of the company. In addition to environmental factors, internal aspects have a strong impact on financial viability, namely the corporate governance system, since it determines how business processes in a company are organized, where to direct resources, what marketing strategy to choose and much more. The research is conducted in order to identify the interrelationships of corporate governance factors and the financial viability of the company. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of the influence of corporate governance factors on the assessment of the probability of bankruptcy, as a complex characteristic reflecting the financial viability of the company. The study is conducted on the basis of current company data from 2017 to 2022, which allows us to assess the current state of corporate governance of the company. The identification of corporate governance factors that positively or negatively affect financial viability will allow companies to analyze the corporate structure and identify strengths and weaknesses.

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