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The Entry of an EdTech Company into the Latin American Market (A Case Study of NovaKid in Brazil)

Student: Arnaut Valeria

Supervisor: Oleg Vlades

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Integrated Communications (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This research work is dedicated to the analysis and development of a strategy for the EdTech company NovaKid to enter the Latin American market, with a focus on Brazil. The study included an examination of the current state of the global online education market and identified the main trends and features of this sector. Hofstede's cultural dimensions methodology was used to determine the cultural characteristics of Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina, which allowed for the selection of the most promising country for expansion — Brazil. The practical part of the work involved the development and execution of a quantitative survey and in-depth interviews with Brazilian parents, which enabled an understanding of their needs and preferences in the context of online education. The main communication channels and preferred platforms for interacting with the target audience were identified. Based on the collected data, NovaKid's unique selling proposition (USP) and the overall market positioning of the company were formulated. Recommendations were also made to improve the landing page and adapt the content to the cultural characteristics of the Brazilian audience. Strategies for using social media, SEO optimization, and collaboration with bloggers were included. The result of the work was a detailed communication strategy based on a deep understanding of the target audience's needs and competitive advantages. The implementation of the proposed strategy is expected to increase the company's brand awareness, website traffic metrics, and the number of students from Brazil, leading to increased company profits. This research significantly contributed to understanding the specifics of the Latin American market and provided comprehensive recommendations for the successful entry and strengthening of NovaKid's position in the Brazilian market.

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