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Patriotism in Russian Conservative Civil Society Student Organisations

Student: Bogosyan Larisa

Supervisor: Dmitry V. Goncharov

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology and Social Informatics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This Bachelor's project explores the concept of patriotism within Russian conservative civil society student organizations. Using a qualitative case study approach, the research aims to develop a nuanced understanding of patriotism and its manifestations among students in Russia. Through interviews with participants from conservative civil society groups, the study delves into the multifaceted nature of patriotism, examining its relationship with national identity and exploring the values and principles that underpin patriotic sentiments. The thematic data analysis method is employed to identify patterns and themes within the data, offering insights into how conservative student organizations perceive patriotism. This research sheds light on diverse perspectives on patriotism. Also, this study contributes to the broader discourse on national identity, patriotism and civic engagement in Russia. It explorers patterns of patriotism formating identities.

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