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Graduate Competencies and Employer Expectations: Evidence from the Creative Industries

Student: Varchenko Elizaveta

Supervisor: Konstantin Nefedov

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: International Business and Management Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the realm of creative industries, one of the most dynamically changing aspects pertains to the skill sets demanded by employers. These skill sets vary significantly across different sectors, organizations, and even specific roles within the creative field. However, the traditional educational system often struggles to keep pace with these changes, resulting in the teaching of outdated or irrelevant skill sets. In order to investigate research question on the interconnection of competencies, it was essential to utilize an open database containing information about job opportunities within Russia. To address this challenge within the creative sector, this article proposes the data collection procedure entailed sourcing data from job-posting websites regarding resumes and vacancies. This involved collecting specific details necessary for filtering the data to align with the criteria of the creative industry. Obtaining the required data necessitated the utilization of an open database containing information on job opportunities within Russia and extract and standardize key skills, defined as ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ skills. The findings revealed a significant disparity between the skill sets of arts graduates and industry expectations, particularly in terms of hard skills, which underscore the need for adaptability and skill development among arts graduates to meet the evolving demands of the job market. In conclusion, this research underscores the importance of bridging the gap between educational curricula and industry needs to better prepare arts graduates for success in the creative economy. By aligning educational programs with market trends and skill requisites, educational institutions can empower aspiring creatives to thrive in the dynamic landscape of the creative industry. These insights offer valuable guidance for shaping future initiatives in education and training, facilitating a seamless transition for arts graduates into the workforce and nurturing a talent pool equipped to drive innovation and economic growth.

Full text (added May 20, 2024)

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