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  • The Psychological Well-Being of New Russian Migrants in Georgia: the Role of Perceived Status and Acculturation Strategies

The Psychological Well-Being of New Russian Migrants in Georgia: the Role of Perceived Status and Acculturation Strategies

Student: Aleksandra Borisoglebskaya

Supervisor: Victoria Nikolaevna Galyapina

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Applied Social Psychology (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This study examines the influence of perceived migrant status, acculturation strategies, and psychological well-being among Russian migrants in Georgia. Data was collected from 145 participants who moved from Russia to Georgia after January 2022. For the analysis, scales from the MIRIPS (Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies) project questionnaire were used. The results show that integration is the most significant acculturation strategy, followed by the separation strategy, then the marginalization strategy, and in last place the assimilation strategy. Structural equation modeling shows that temporary statuses such as 'tourist', 'digital nomad', and 'migrant' status predict a preference for the separation strategy, while the 'expat' status is positively related to the integration strategy. The integration strategy is the most successful because it leads to the psychological well-being of new Russian migrants in Georgia. In addition, integration has an intermediate effect on the relationship between ‘expat’ status and self-esteem. The study highlights the importance of supporting integration efforts.

Full text (added May 20, 2024)

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