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  • Single Households in the Republic of Korea at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Socio-Cultural and Demographic Aspects

Single Households in the Republic of Korea at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Socio-Cultural and Demographic Aspects

Student: Vorotneva Maria

Supervisor: Natalia Kim

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Asian and African Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

Due to demographic processes in the Republic of Korea in the 20th century, the early 21st century saw changes in many aspects of the country's life. In particular, the rapid growth of single households began. This phenomenon, in turn, led to various kinds of socio-cultural problems and the formation of new demographic processes, the analysis of which is the subject of this study. The problem of single householders has reached a large scale in South Korea, so it needs to be addressed at the national level. However, it is worth noting that the phenomenon of single households is complicated by social differentiation. This is a multifaceted problem that is affected by several indicators at once: gender, age, place of residence, wages, etc. Therefore, when looking for a solution to the problem of single households, an integrated approach is needed, which is what we focus our attention on. Keywords: Republic of Korea, single households, demographic, socio-cultural.

Full text (added May 20, 2024)

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