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New Banking Business Models: Ecosystems and Superapps

Student: Danila Belov

Supervisor: Vladimir B. Malyaev

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Acquisition of competitive advantages in the market of services is one of the priority tasks of modern companies, including financial sector institutions. This paper is aimed at identifying the advantages and risks that arise in the course of the introduction of new banking business models by organizations. In the course of the research the analysis of already existing on the market ecosystem models of banks “Tinkoff” and “Sberbank”, peculiarities of their construction and analysis of their impact on the competitive environment of banking organizations was performed. Based on the analysis, methodological recommendations for the creation of ecosystem structures and superapps for newcomer banks were formulated, as well as proposals for the optimization of already existing systems. One of the conclusions of the work is the assumption of further development and strengthening of the role of ecosystems and superapps as the main tool for business development and specifically for the banking sector.

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