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Director's Development of the Projects "Nikita", "Kulygin version", "Dead man"

Student: Vlasov Kirill

Supervisor: Polina Ilyina

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Film Production (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Abstract to the WRC "Director's development of the projects "Nikita", "Kulygin's Version" and "The Dead Man" In this paper, based on the analysis of the theory of genre development, the relevance of genre mixing in cinematographic art as the dominant trend in the modern process of filmmaking is considered. We explore how, at the present time, with the blurring of the aesthetic boundaries of film genres, their interaction can occur within the framework of a single project. When setting the goal, we were guided by the hypothesis that for a director, a professional understanding of the evolution of genres in cinema and his skillful possession of this knowledge become effective assistants in creating multi-component film projects in terms of form and visual embodiment, which can meet the needs of different categories of the audience and thereby attract wide audience attention. In this final qualification work, we set ourselves the task of analyzing the formation of the concept of "genre" and theoretical approaches to understanding the typology of genres, the development of the genres "comedy", "tragedy", "drama" and "melodrama", as well as to determine the creative possibilities of mixing these heats and to study examples of their successful use in cinematic practice. In addition, it was important for us to study the technical features of the director's work when developing projects "at the junction" of genres and apply the knowledge gained in practice. The result of our research was the realization of three creative works — pilot sequences of scenes in mixed genres. In the Nikita project, we monitor how the genres of drama and comedy coexist in the context of family cinema. The work "Kulygin's Version" helped us creatively comprehend A.P. Chekhov's play "Three Sisters" using the synthesis of the genres "drama", "melodrama" and "tragedy" and find a unique approach to the embodiment of a familiar story, showing a look at these events from an unusual side. In the Dead Man project, it was interesting for us to check how the genres "drama", "comedy" and "fiction" are combined within one sequel, which uses the artistic technique of a "time loop". The filming process of each of these works in the directorial aspect became a unique experience, but it helped to study both the specific features of the visual embodiment of the text in different genres, as well as common places. As recommendations for themselves, they highlighted the need to pay important attention to pre-production and determining the essence of scenes and the development of the story, working with actors. We also came to the conclusion that any assumption when creating a movie for a mass audience is possible only in conditions when you adhere to the plot framework and the chosen genre logic, telling a story. Keywords: genre, genre analysis, film direction, scene sequences, drama, comedy, directing techniques

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