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  • Student Theses
  • Design of Investment Criteria System in Residential and Commercial Real Estate Providing Maximal Rate of Return for Investor in Short Term

Design of Investment Criteria System in Residential and Commercial Real Estate Providing Maximal Rate of Return for Investor in Short Term

Student: Mariya Avdeeva


Faculty: St Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: International Business and Management Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In this research, we dig into the world of real estate investing, shining light on the critical role that intermediaries play in enabling transactions. Our focus is on ASSETS MANAGEMENT LLC, investigating the methods of optimizing the personalized offers, as well as determining the relationships between different investor characteristics and the investment opportunities that are most appealing to an investor. Furthermore, we want to pioneer a revolutionary criterion system for evaluating commercial and general real estate, with the goal of increasing investor interest and improving the efficiency of our brokerage services. Thus, with hardly any knowledge about the consumer, the client service and management will be able to provide the most appealing ideas to the clients, thereby gaining them and expending the client base. Our study uses a survey-based methodology and incorporates quantitative and qualitative analytic approaches, with a sample size of roughly 300 customers. Our research is organized as follows: an Introduction that provides context and background; a comprehensive Literature Review; Methodology, which details research methods and data collection procedures; anticipated Results, and a concluding section that presents findings, implications, and practical significance.

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