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  • The Features of the European Union's Mechanism for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 17.11 in African Countries

The Features of the European Union's Mechanism for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 17.11 in African Countries

Student: Yuliya Bogdanova

Supervisor: Valentina Skryabina

Faculty: Institute of Trade Policy

Educational Programme: International Trade Policy (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The international community pays special attention to the least developed countries, as they are more vulnerable in terms of economic, infrastructural and social development and in adapting to the dynamic conditions of the world market. International organizations, national governments and non-governmental organizations provide assistance and support to the least developed countries to help them on their way to the Sustainable Development. Support includes the provision of financial assistance, education programmes, investment in infrastructure development and various economic sectors with the aim of integrating LDCs into world trade. However, Sustainable Development Goal 17.11 to “significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020” has not been met. The European Union plays an important role in the formation and development of world trade and is able to contribute to increasing the share of LDC exports on the world market. In relation to the least developed countries, the European Union applies such mechanisms as free tariff duties on the import of goods from these countries to the Union market, the provision of financial assistance, the application of special rules for determining the origin of goods, the provision of technical assistance and others, but the share of the least developed countries in the total imports of the European Union remains insignificant. As the participation of the least developed countries in world trade is an important factor in their development and progress towards sustainable economic growth, so it is important to take into account SDG 17.11 and determine which European Union mechanisms are the most effective in increasing exports from these countries.

Full text (added May 20, 2024)

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