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Specifics of Professional Burnout in Various Groups of Company Employees and Their Preferred Coping Strategies

Student: Malika Abdikarimova

Supervisor: Wladimir A. Stroh

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychology in Business (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The aim is to identify the relationship between the level (and structure) of professional burnout. The methodology. The study involved 111 employees working in various Russian organizations, with work experience from 1-10 years or more and by age from 18-50 years or more. The respondents completed the questionnaire "Professional burnout MBI", the questionnaire "Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations CISS". The introduction contains the relevance of the study of two phenomena "professional burnout" and "coping strategies", the purpose, objectives, object, subject, several hypotheses, research methods and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. The first chapter provides a theoretical analysis in foreign and domestic works of the concept of "professional burnout" and its factors and symptoms, as well as the types and functions of coping with stress (coping). The second chapter structurally describes a practical study of the relationship between professional burnout and preferred coping strategies among company employees, including the research methodology, the methods used and a detailed discussion of the results and hypotheses of the study. Also, the last paragraph of the second chapter provides scientific and practical recommendations on managing professional burnout and coping strategies. In conclusion, the general results of the work done are summarized. The thesis is presented on 70 sheets and includes 3 tables, 4 figures, 39 literary sources and 9 appendices. Keywords: professional burnout, coping strategies, stress, employees, managers.

Full text (added May 20, 2024)

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