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  • The Influence of Communicative Practices Used by Curators in Online Schools for the USE Preparation on the Student's Loyalty to an Online School (on the Example of Online School for the USE Preparation SMITUP)

The Influence of Communicative Practices Used by Curators in Online Schools for the USE Preparation on the Student's Loyalty to an Online School (on the Example of Online School for the USE Preparation SMITUP)

Student: Vladimirova Anastasiia

Supervisor: Kira Sokolova

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

There is a contradiction in scientific discourse about the most effective tools for students' loyalty to the online schools in which they study. The purpose of this study was to determine the nature of the influence of communicative practices used by the curators of online schools of preparation for the Unified State Exam on the loyalty of students to the school. Thanks to a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, we were able to expand the scientific understanding of the role of the curator in the student's educational process: with the help of in-depth semi-structured interviews with curators and students, we obtained data on the communication practices used by curators, and with the help of an online survey and further analysis of the results by ordinal logistic regression, we were able to determine the nature of the impact of these practices on loyalty. Based on the results of the study, we were able to identify communicative practices that positively affect students' loyalty to the online school of preparation for the Unified State Exam, as well as formulate a number of recommendations to increase students' loyalty to the school and promote online schools on the market.

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