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Specifics of Taylor Swift's Personal Brand Promotion and Her Perception by the Russian Audience

Student: Aleksandra Besedina

Supervisor: Grigory Krichevsky

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

This bachelor's thesis, entitled "The Specifics of Taylor Swift's Personal Brand Promotion and Its Perception by the Russian Audience," explores the process of personal branding within the modern music industry, focusing on the case study of American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. The paper highlights Swift's unique approach to branding and audience interaction, which has significantly impacted her career trajectory and her reception among Russian audiences. Through a comprehensive analysis, the thesis examines the specifics of personal branding, underscored by Swift's strategic use of social media platforms to amplify her presence and connect with fans. It delves into her career milestones and how these have been shaped by, and have shaped her personal brand. Swift's methods, including her narrative control and the use of public appearances and music releases, serve as a primary focus. Moreover, the thesis assesses the cultural and economic implications of Swift's branding strategies. It considers how her re-recording of previous albums not only reclaimed her musical legacy but also redefined artist rights within the music industry. The work also explores how Swift's brand has been perceived by the Russian market, analyzing data from surveys and interviews conducted with Russian fans. The study concludes that Taylor Swift exemplifies the power of personal branding in the digital age, where artists must navigate through the complexities of global cultural dynamics. The findings are intended to contribute to the broader academic discourse on celebrity branding and its influence on international and domestic markets. This research underlines the importance of personal branding for artists seeking to maintain relevance and foster a deep connection with their audience in an ever-evolving media landscape.

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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