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Privacy Control in the Face of Contextual Collapse: Exploring Ego-Network Structure among VKontakte Users

Student: Bobrikov Dmitrii

Supervisor: Yadviga Sinyavskaya

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology and Social Informatics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The study examines how VKontakte users deal with privacy issues in the context of the merging of social groups in the network. Drawing on the concept of contextual collapse, the study explores the implications for privacy control by analyzing the ego-network structure of users. By examining how people regulate self-disclosure and protect personal information in online social networks, the study sheds light on the complexities of privacy control in the digital age. Results show that users strategically adjust privacy settings to maintain different social spheres, taking into account factors such as emotional proximity and the structural position of online friends, as determined by users themselves and approximated by network centrality. This nuanced approach emphasizes the dynamic nature of privacy decisions in a context-disrupted environment where users must balance the need for social interaction with the desire to protect personal information. Examining how users navigate different social contexts on the platform provides valuable insights into the challenges and strategies used to manage online privacy. Overall, the study contributes to a better understanding of the interplay between social dynamics and privacy concerns in online environments, emphasizing the importance of considering the collapse of contexts when designing and regulating social media platforms.

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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