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  • Student Theses
  • Promotion of a Cosmetics Store: Factors Related to Making Impulsive Purchases Online (Using the Example of the Golden Apple Store)

Promotion of a Cosmetics Store: Factors Related to Making Impulsive Purchases Online (Using the Example of the Golden Apple Store)

Student: Borozdina Valeria

Supervisor: Alexandra Zaharova

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The dynamic cosmetics market is experiencing increased competition, which is leading to brands increasingly focusing on online technologies in their advertising activities and turning to them for promotion. The research problem is the controversy between which factors most influence impulsive online communication, which in turn allows for the study of more competent communication. In the future, the features of online promotion will be considered to assess the effectiveness of companies. In addition, the features of online marketing in the cosmetics industry will be studied separately. There are alternative marketing strategies that are successfully integrated into modern business practices, so we pay close attention to them in the process. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the thorough examination of the factors associated with impulsive buying behavior towards the Golden Apple store, as well as the occurrence between online marketing initiatives and shopping behavior, in order to identify new trends and patterns.

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