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Opinion Polarization in Eating Habit Discussions in Telegram

Student: Volynina Ekaterina

Supervisor: Ksenia Tenisheva

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology and Social Informatics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

Online discussions about eating habits can have both positive and negative effects on individuals' body image and recovery journeys. On the one hand, supportive environments and peer advice can positively impact body image. Conversely, participation in such discussions can hinder treatment by encouraging fasting, providing guidance for purging, and reinforcing unhealthy eating habits. Opinion polarization, defined as the tendency to adopt more extreme positions over time, may play a significant role in shaping individuals' views and weight loss journeys. The present study investigates the question: Do opinions polarize in online discussions regarding eating habits on Telegram? In this case study, we analysed 12 chats, six of which focused on healthy weight loss and six of which promoted eating disorders. To answer the research question, we treated each day of communication within a chat as a potential case of polarization. Using time series methods and sentiment analysis, we identified 48 cases of chat-level polarization and 234 cases of user-level polarization. Regarding the topics identified within the corpus of documents, nutrition intake and personal problems were more strongly associated with polarization than others. However, it is important to note that the topic distinction was made subjectively. Therefore, further research is needed to dynamically assess the emergence of opinion polarization in eating habits discussions on Telegram.

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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