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Investigation into the Impact of Color Palette on the Positioning of a Fashion Brand among Generation Z

Student: Anna Alekseeva

Supervisor: Zhanna Musatova

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing and Market Analytics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This study is dedicated to investigation into the impact of color schemes among Generation Z and developing recommendations for the positioning of Russian fashion brands, considering the meanings that Generation Z attributes to colors. The existing NeedScope color management model was adapted to contemporary color interpretations. The research addressed the following tasks: defining key terms and concepts in branding theory within brand positioning; systematizing key models for brand positioning related to color schemes; identifying the primary positioning meanings embedded by companies through the use of color schemes, based on case studies; determining the unique perceptual nuances of color schemes among Generation Z through empirical research; and developing an approach for positioning Russian fashion brands considering the meanings attributed to colors by Generation Z. The data sources for the analysis included results from both qualitative and quantitative research. During the qualitative phase, six expert interviews were conducted with representatives of Russian fashion brands. The quantitative phase involved a survey of 407 individuals representing Generation Z. The study revealed that Generation Z indeed has a distinct perception of colors and assigns specific meanings to them. Consequently, recommendations were formulated for the positioning of Russian fashion brands based on the relevant meanings of colors.

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