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Tools for Urban Planning Regulation of Socio-Psychological Comfort of the Residential Citified Environment

Student: Vedenina Yulia

Supervisor: Oleg Baevskiy

Faculty: Faculty of Urban and Regional Development

Educational Programme: Urban Planning (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

Currently, there is an intensive process of urbanization in Russian cities, which leads to an increase in the population in cities, while at the same time building densities are increasing in the process of urban transformation. Nonetheless, given the rapid pace of development and the inadequate development of the legal and scientific framework, consideration should be given to the socio-psychological aspects of the urban environment. In order to address the demands of a citizen in lowering stress and experiencing internal security, this study develops a model for incorporating social and psychological comfort aspects into the system of urban planning regulating instruments. The study's primary goal is to pinpoint these elements in order to develop a workable regulatory framework that can satisfy citizens' social and psychological requirements, which helps to ensure a good stay in the city. In addition to the Russian system of urban planning tools, the study includes an examination of current theories pertaining to human behavior and comfort in urban environments. Methods of literature analysis, case studies and classifications were used to build the theoretical basis of the model. At the final stage of the study, in order to confirm the performance of the model, an experiment was conducted on the territorial differentiation of parameters characterizing comfort factors using the examples of two largest cities in Russia.

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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