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The Reception of the Cinderella Plot in the Women's Poetry of the Silver Age

Student: Valova Marina

Supervisor: Alexandra Chaban

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Philology (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The final qualifying work thoroughly examines the specific features of the treatment of the plot of the fairy tale "Cinderella" and its central characters in women's poetry from the Silver Age. Although there has been significant interest in literary, including fairy-tale, plots in culture during the early twentieth century, this topic has yet to be the subject of a comprehensive philological study. The plot of "Cinderella" is reflected in the poetry of several poets from this era, including M. Lokhvitskaya, E. Dmitieva, A. Akhmatova, and M. Moravskay. This work traces the overall trend of how the plot of "Cinderella" was adapted to address topical issues of women's emancipation in the early twentieth century. A particular focus of the work is on the collection "Cinderella Thinks" (1915) by M. Moravska, in which this plot is consistently presented by the poet (from Cinderella to the Conquistador).

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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