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Imroving the Communication Strategy of the Logistics Service "Shedex"

Student: Dmitrieva Alisa

Supervisor: Anastasia Lukina

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing and Market Analytics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

The purpose of this work was to develop recommendations for improving the strategy of service communications to optimize logistics. In the framework of this research work were considered such theoretical concepts as: marketing communications, varieties of marketing communications, limitations and opportunities for their use in the B2B market, communication strategy, modern principles of omnichannel and integrativity in the processes of planning and implementation of communication strategy. Then in the context of the work was analyzed the external and internal environment of the company “Shedex” with the help of analytical following models: 7P, PESTEL-analysis, Porter's and Benchmarkin's 5 forces analysis. At the stage of considering the conversion funnel of the company's website, a bottleneck was identified. Hypotheses were then formulated about the possible causes of the bottleneck in the funnel. With the help of in-depth interviews and subsequent content analysis of the received information, one of the three hypotheses was disproved. Then, based on the analyzed information in the first and second chapters, as well as the results of the empirical stage of the research, recommendations for improving the communication strategy of the service were developed. One of the recommendations (development of personalized pages on the company's website) was implemented jointly with representatives of the Shedex service and tested with the help of an A/B test. The effectiveness of the proposed recommendation was proven: in two weeks it was possible to increase the conversion rate of the narrow stage of the funnel by 0.5%, which proved valuable for the representatives of the Shedex service.

Full text (added May 21, 2024)

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