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"Thresh" Stream: Elements of Sustainability of Marginalized Social Practice

Student: Buzina Nadezhda

Supervisor: Olga A. Simonova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The graduate qualification work is devoted to the study of social practice of "thrash" streams, its characteristics and elements that ensure sustainability under external influence (negative public and media attention, legislative initiatives to ban "thrash" streams). The relevance of studying this topic lies in the formation of a new type of entertainment content and a way to earn money, which broadcasts traumatic behavior (physical and psychological violence) to an audience of thousands. What happens on live broadcasts contradicts the generally accepted behavior in society, is on the "edge of morality", but has not lost its popularity over the years. Based on semi-structured interviews with "thrash" bloggers, administrators of fan communities and viewers we studied: participants of "thrash" streams (streamers, viewers, moderators of fan communities and slicers), their roles and motives, norms on broadcasts, functions of "thrash" streams. Having studied these aspects of social practice, we conclude that thrash streamers are an institution.

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