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  • Psychological Resources of Personality as a Factor in Maintaining a Positive Attitude Towards the Current Experience of Hypnotherapy

Psychological Resources of Personality as a Factor in Maintaining a Positive Attitude Towards the Current Experience of Hypnotherapy

Student: Volna Anna

Supervisor: Alena Zolotareva

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Positive Psychology (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The relevance of the topic of this paper - "Psychological resources of personality as a factor in preserving a positive attitude to the current experience of hypnotherapy" - is due to several factors. Hypnotherapy as a non-medical intervention focused on providing positive suggestions to clients contributes to the formation of constructive mechanisms of coping with stress and anxiety - and, therefore, also contributes to the preservation of human psychological resources and their increase. In this case, the effectiveness of hypnotherapy does not depend on the depth of hypnotic trance. The following methods were used in the process of the research: Bonnie A. Clough questionnaire. Clough , Jessica A. Eigeland, Imogen R. Madden, Dale Rowland, Leanne M. Casey aims to assess attitudes toward mental health interventions. The dispositional optimism test aims to measure general optimism as a stable personality trait. The Hope Scale assesses the level of hope as a state associated with expectations of achieving meaningful goals. The resilience test measures a person's ability to withstand stressful situations and maintain psychological health. The Somatic Symptom Skill methodology is aimed at identifying the level of expression of somatic symptoms that may reflect a person's psychological state. The Anxiety Scale allows assessing the levels of anxiety and depression, which can also affect the attitude to the therapeutic process and influence the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. Pearson's method was used to conduct correlation analysis, which reveals the degree of linear relationship between two variables. The results of the correlation analysis show significant relationships between various psychological resources and their influence on attitudes toward hypnotherapy. First of all, the high positive correlation between optimism and resilience (r = 0.65) indicates that optimistic people have higher levels of resilience, which contributes to the ability to cope with stressful situations. Similarly, the significant positive correlation between optimism and hope (r = 0.70) suggests that optimistic people also have high hope for achieving their goals. Optimism thus acts as a driving force that maintains hope and motivation, which promotes personal growth and life satisfaction. The strong positive correlation between resilience and hope (r = 0.75) emphasizes that resilience contributes to maintaining high motivation and purposefulness, positively affecting psychological well-being and overall life satisfaction. Identifying the relationship between psychological resources of personality and subjective assessment of hypnotherapeutic efficacy will provide a better understanding of the psychological factors that influence the success of hypnotherapy. Also, the present study contributes to the development of theoretical models that explain individual differences in susceptibility to hypnotherapy. Keywords: Psychological resources of personality, positive attitude, current experience, hypnotherapy, maintenance of positive attitude, psychotherapy, personal resources, psychological well-being, psychological resilience, therapeutic process.

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