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Digital Library Content Management System

Student: Adam Terlo

Supervisor: Tatiana Lobok

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Data Science and Business Analytics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The thesis presents the development and deployment of a secure digital library system commissioned by a Center at the Higher School of Economics. This web-based application is tailored to ensure high confidentiality and accessibility of documents across diverse or legacy hardware environments within the private education setting. The system upholds the strict security standards required for non-public training materials by preventing unauthorized copying, printing, and saving. The architecture is designed for optimal compatibility and security, utilizing the Flask framework and SQLAlchemy. As any newly installed software is automatically reset upon reboot on the local computers and setting everything up every time with the system administrators is time-consuming and inefficient, the selected methodology allows access from any networked device, irrespective of its software limitations. This approach ensures continuous availability without needing permanent software installation on client devices. Through a structured software development lifecycle, the project emphasizes security integration within a user-friendly interface. Performance testing indicates robust handling of simultaneous access requests, affirming the system’s operational efficacy. Comparative analysis with existing digital library solutions highlights the unique fulfillment of the Center’s specific needs for security, versatility, and user accessibility.

Full text (added May 23, 2024)

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