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The Effect of Student Employment on Their Future Earnings

Student: Mark Bogolyubov

Supervisor: Elena V. Rozhentsova

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The purpose of this research is finding the effect of working while studying in university on one’s earning after their graduation. To measure this effect pooling regression is used on the data from RLMS. This data is of a panel form and the sample includes 575 observations over 255 individuals. The results of the research suggest that working full-time while studying increases one’s monthly wage by 3548 RUB. Working part-time increases one’s monthly wage by 3707 RUB. Variables such as respondent’s age, gender, number of hours spent for working monthly, respondent’s psychological characteristics, as well as others were used as control variables. The results show that working while studying positively affects student’s income after graduation for the two most common job types. The structure of the paper is the following: it consists of an introduction, a literature review, a formulation of a research question, methodology, results and a conclusion.

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