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  • Student Theses
  • Automation of the Business Process of Technical Support in the Field of Brokerage Services for Commercial Bank Clients

Automation of the Business Process of Technical Support in the Field of Brokerage Services for Commercial Bank Clients

Student: Elizaveta Bolshakova

Supervisor: Yaroslav Vitalievich Gorchakov

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The final qualifying work is devoted to the current problem of automation of technical support in the banking sector. In the context of digital transformation and growing customer demands for quality of service, effective and fast technical support is becoming one of the key success factors for banks. The work examines the branch of Bank “N”, in which there was a need to optimize the business process of technical customer support. To solve this problem, it is proposed to introduce a system based on a chatbot and a CRM system. The diploma analyzes existing technical support automation practices, examines the current business process in a bank branch, and identifies its problem areas. Based on this analysis, requirements for the chatbot and CRM system are developed, the solution architecture is designed, and a chatbot prototype is created, as well as a prototype of the CRM system. The work provides the expected effects of implementation. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the proposed solution can be applicable to other banks and organizations seeking to optimize their technical support. This work consists of 82 pages, 27 figures, 8 tables.

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